EMail Parrot Administrator Documentation

Administrator Login

The “Sign In” page allows for existing admins to log in and for the creation of new admin log-ins. If you don’t already have an EMail Parrot admin account you can create one by selecting the “Create An EMail Parrot Account” link.  

You, as an administrator, should now be able to log into the EMail Parrot administrative web page -  Your password will be saved into the system and will be the only verification needed for future access to the admin pages.

Note: Marking a member as an admin within a distribution list does not grant them access to the administrator web page.  Members marked as administrators in the distribution list will be part of the admin.<list> sublist.  For a member to have access to the web administrator page so that they can manage list membership, they will need to create a login using the same email address as they use in an email list.  

Administrator Page

As an administrator you will have access to all the information for all the email distribution lists you are marked as an “admin”.  To select which email list you want to manage, enter its name in the box at the top of the page.

List Creation and Deletion

In the upper right of the page is the “Account” pull down menu.  This menu allows you to create a new EMail Parrot email list, delete an existing EMail Parrot email list, or log out from the site.  

Updating an Email List

Enter the email list name in the “Email Distribution List Name” dialog box at the top of the page.  This identifies the email list that is being acted upon. By pressing enter after inputting the list name will launch a ‘list membership’ action.

There are 6 tabs in the lower part of the administrator page for the different actions that can be performed.

List Membership

By pressing ENTER or clicking on the first tab below (“List Membership”) the membership of the list will be displayed. As admin you have access to the email addresses of the members so treat your group’s information as personal and private.

A email list contains 6 pieces of information about each member of the list:

  1. Email address - the email address of the member. Each email address in this table is a hyperlink that will open the “Add/Update/Delete” tab with this email address prepopulated.
  2. Name - the name to be used when identifying the sender of an email.  This field can be any text string and should identify the member sufficiently for other members.  It can be the person’s real name but can be any string that is useful to your group.
  1. EMail Parrot supports direct email messaging (DM) and the email addresses of users are derived from this name field.  As such names entered should allow for valid email addresses to be derived. Valid email addresses can have alphanumeric characters and any of the following characters - !#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~  However, email service providers may not respect the RPC specification so some testing may be needed when adding the special characters to a user’s name field.
  1. Admin - this True/False flag indicates which members of the group are the designated administrators.  The sublist admin.<list> is defined for all EMamil Parrot distribution lists and includes all email list members marked as admin.  Unlike other sublists any member can email the admin sublist.
  2. Moderate - this True/False flag indicates if this member’s emails need to be approved by an administrator before be sent to the full distribution list
  3. Self Email - this True/False flag indicates if the member’s emails will be sent to the sender as well as the other members of the distribution list.  While most people do not want to see an “echo” of the emails they send some desire to see their emails in their inbox.
  4. No Email - No emails will be sent to this address.  The use-case for this is when a member has multiple email addresses they wish to send from but do not want to receive multiple copies of each email.  This allows all of a member’s email addresses to be in the group as valid senders to the group.
  5. Sublists - this field is a list of sublists that each member belongs to.  Sublist names cannot contain spaces, commas, periods and many other special characters so it is advisable to only use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

Add/Update/Delete Member

This tab is used to add a member to a distribution list or to modify the information of an existing member or to delete the member from the distribution list.  An email address must be in the box adjacent to the label “Enter Email Address to Add/Update/Delete”.  This email address may be pre-populated from the “List Membership” tab or entered manually.

EMail Parrot is email address based and each member is unique based on their email address.  If the email address of a member needs to be changed the new email address will need to be added and the old email address deleted from the list.

If the email address entered is for an already existing member the remaining fields can be populated with this member’s current information by clicking the “Lookup Member Information” button.  This is helpful when updating one piece of a member’s information, eliminating the need manually to fill in all the fields.

To add or update the information for a member all 5 pieces of information must be provided to perform this action.  The member’s data will be changed for all fields when the “Add/Update Member” button is clicked so add input data should be reviewed before clicking.

Updating / adding a member’s information requires that a valid email address be entered and that the “Name” (personal identifier) be entered as well.  The settings for “admin”, “self_email”, and “moderate” should be reviewed as these default to “false”. Sublist can be left blank as it is not required for a member to also be part of a sublist.

Each member can belong to any number of sublists by entering a comma separated list of sublist names.  An EMail Parrot sublist distribution can be emailed by adding the sublist name and a period to the distribution list’s email address - <sublist>.<list> Since sublists are part of an email address they must conform to valid email address specifications and are case insensitive.  Therefore a sublist name cannot contain spaces, commas, periods and many other special characters so it is advisable to only use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

If a sublist name begins with a “-” then the sublist is defined as private and only members of the sublist can send to the sublist.  For all other sublists any member of the larger distribution list may send emails to the sublist.  Only members of the sublist will receive the email and if they reply to such an email the non-sublist member that send the original email to the sublist will NOT receive the reply.  A direct email should be used in this case to reply to the non-sublist member.  

If an email address needs to be removed from the distribution this action can be performed on this tab.  Simply provide the member’s email address in the top box and click “Delete Member”.  There is no “undo” for this action and if done by mistake the member’s information will need to be reentered.

Group Settings

Each email group can have different properties and sublists will inherit these same properties as the main email group.  These configurations allow for customization of behavior for your group.

List Quarantined Emails

Emails will be quarantined by the systems for a number of reasons:  

The identifier of the received email and the reason for quarantining will be listed on this tab.  The identifier text is a hyperlink and will prepopulate the identifier on the “Manage Quarantined Emails” tab.

Manage Quarantined Emails

Administrators may wish to look at the email to see its contents.  To enable this a “Download” button is provided.  Clicking this button will open a new browser tab and display the raw email.  Note that very large emails may break this download function.

There are several dispositions can be performed on quarantined emails:

Reprocessing the email will require some additional information so that the email won’t be quarantined a second time.  At a minimum the check that the email failed will need to be disabled during the reprocessing.  

Send Admin Email

At times it may be necessary to email addresses (not an EMail Parrot distribution list) such as when validating a request to join.   However, you may not want to send these emails from your personal email address.  Simple, text only emails can be sent to any email address with the sender being “admin.<email_list>” with this action.  

Alternatively it may be desired that an email is send to all list members from the “admin.<email_list>” address.  This can be done by selecting the “BCC All” checkbox instead of entering an email address.  Doing this can be used to set group rules and guidelines.

Lastly, since each member of the email list has a unique direct email address that can be used by group members to send individually addressed emails, it may be desired to publish all members’ direct email addresses to everyone in the email list.  The “Send Address Book” button at the bottom of this tab performs this action.

Bugs, Errors and Documentation Issues

These administration functions are complex and the permutations of issues extensive.  There are likely issues to be resolved.  Please clearly describe any issues you encounter and send to

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